Preaching the Truth about Abortion

Last Saturday was the 49th anniversary of the tragic decision Roe v. Wade.  The question that still faces our nation is:  At what point am I not comfortable in ending the life of a child?  The phrase among so-called pro-choice people used to be “Abortion should be rare but legal,”  but in recent years, abortion proponents promote abortion as “women’s healthcare” and celebrate abortion.  Something has gone very wrong.    In our first reading this Sunday, God’s word comes to the Prophet Jeremiah: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I dedicated you” (Jer 1:4).  God is confirming what we already know — that all life — not just human life — but all animate life begins at conception.  That is not just Scripture; that is science.  But this is also God’s way of reminding that He has a specific purpose for Jeremiah, namely, to preach the truth to a hostile people.  And although this is scary, God promises to deliver Jeremiah.    This leads us to the gospel this Sunday of how the people of Nazareth were furious when Christ told them the truth (in Luke 4).  Although Christ preaches the truth with love, His hearers don’t care.  They are offended that He has told them something contrary to what they believe is settled.  They insult Him; they belittle Him; and they want to kill Him.  And yet our Lord peacefully slips away before they can hurt Him.  The same can happen to us when we preach the truth with love.  Our hearers will not always receive us well.  But we maintain our comportment; we maintain our graciousness; and we maintain our peace. Christ is on the side of Life — Life Himself — and He has come to that we might have it to the full.

Fr. Lowry