Abortion Pill Reversal

Newborn Sleeping

Were you advised to lie about your last menstrual date? Was your baby's heartbeat not found on an ultrasound because you were really only three- or four-weeks pregnant and not as far along as your "stated" menstrual date indicated? Are you having doubts about a chemical abortion? Were you given an abortion pill and want to save your baby?

It may be possible to reverse the effects of the pill. If you have taken an abortion pill and are seeking immediate assistance or would like to attempt to reverse the abortion pill, please visit https://abortionpillreversal.com or call 1-877-558-0333.

A trained consultant is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will attempt to connect you with a medical professional in your area who may be able to help you.

Statistics show that more than 3000 babies have been rescued by Abortion Pill Reversal.

Are You Speaking with a Mother Who Needs to Reverse the Abortion Pill?

Call the hotline today to be connected with a medical professional!

Major Risks and Complications of Chemical Abortions for Women

Chemical abortion is a two-drug process intended to kill and expel a developing child from the womb in the first trimester of pregnancy. Proponents call it “medication abortion,” but that’s misleading. “Medication” indicates something that is intended to manage a patient’s disease or illness, but chemical abortions end the life of an unborn child and can be dangerous to the health and lives of pregnant mothers, as well.