About Us

The Gabriel Project of East Texas

Help to mother and child in need.

Our Goal is to help women choose life for their unborn child by offering encouragement, love and practical help.

The Gabriel Project of East Texas is a ministry of the Diocese of Tyler Sanctity of Life.

The volunteer members of this project see in the birth of each baby a fresh expression of God's unfailing love. They offer immediate and practical help to any woman faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Catholic women in East Texas are committed to respond with love to any woman facing an unexpected pregnancy.

The Gabriel Project began in 1973 when a pastor of a Catholic Church in Texas placed a sign offering help to any woman experiencing an unexpected pregnancy.  The object was to carry a message of hope and comfort to mothers experiencing fear and worry as they faced their pregnancy.

Catholic Christians have always held the Mother of God in high esteem and when the Angel Gabriel announced to her she was to be the mother of the Messiah, Mary asked, “How can this be?”.  But the angel told her to “Fear not!  Nothing is impossible with God”.  Mary responded “Let it be done as you say.’

Today our message to new mothers is the same.

“Fear not!  God is with you!”

The Gabriel Project offers a unique support system in the person of a trained volunteer who will walk along with you providing love, practical support and strength for you and you baby.  You will be able to feel cherished and protected and know that a Church community is waiting to assist you with anything you need. Respect for human life, both the mother’s and the baby’s, requires each Catholic Church Community to reach out and offer assistance to those who may be overwhelmed by the decisions they must make.  We offer this love and support based on the directive we have received from Jesus Christ to “Love one another as I have loved you”.

The Gabriel Project serves all girls or women in unplanned pregnancies without pressure toward any faith, parenting, or adoption.

We are happy to partner with the Christus Love for Children program, providing diaper bags, and other necessities for moms and their babies.

It is in giving that we receive.

Putting the diaper bags together provides us with an opportunity to visit with each other.

Christus Love for Children