Join the Gabriel Project as a Volunteer

Volunteer Positions Descriptions

The roles of the parish Gabriel Project Coordinator and Gabriel Angels are outlined as follows:

The Gabriel Parish Coordinators duties include:

  • Receive referrals from Gabriel phone hotline, online contact forms or walk-ins to Parish office.
  • Match each referred mother to an Angel in your Parish a timely manner.
  • Advise team members of meetings and trainings at the parish and Diocesan levels.
  • Communicate with the Pastor and parish office.
  • Work with the Resource Coordinator to ensure adequate resources are located for mothers being assisted.
  • Work with the Outreach Coordinator to ensure Gabriel program is being advertised in community and in the parish.
  • Connect and collaborate with other parish ministries such as St. Vincent de Paul, Knights of Columbus and Ladies Guild.
  • Communicate regularly with Angels concerning mothers they are assisting.
  • Communicate with the Diocesan Gabriel Parish Coordinator in the event of concerns or special needs regarding a mother;
  • Ensure all Gabriel Angels are current in Safe Environment training.
  • Attend quarterly meetings for all Diocesan Gabriel Coordinators to update the Gabriel committee on all moms helped.  (other Gabriel team members are also welcome to attend these meetings).

The Gabriel Angels duties include:

  • Respond to her assigned mother promptly (within 24 hours)
  • Check up on her mother regularly via telephone, text and in-person meetings
  • Keep the mother in daily prayer
  • Assist the mother to access parish and community services
  • Communicate with the Gabriel Parish Coordinator or your Pastor about mothers being assisted, including any problems or concerns that may arise.

The Parish Resource Coordinators duties include:

  • Research and produce a list of all resources available within your community; such as food pantry, clothes closet, assistance with rent or utilities, state social services, employment assistance, etc. Share this list with the Gabriel Project Director so that it may be posted on the website.
  • Maintain and keep a supply of baby item donations;
  • Organize parish baby showers, diaper drives, etc. when baby items are needed;
  • Work with the Parish Coordinator and the Outreach Coordinator to place donation requests in the parish bulletin, website and social media;
  • Ensure large items (cribs, baby swings, etc.) are in good condition and have not been subject to recall.  Ensure that Release of Liability forms are filled out when required.

The Parish Outreach Coordinators duties include:

  • Connect with the parish bulletin to advertise the Gabriel Project to the
  • Assist the Parish Gabriel Project Coordinator to reach out to other parish   ministries for collaboration and support.
  • Reach out to and develop relationships with organizations near the   parish where women in need may seek assistance (e.g. community health centers, food pantries, libraries, high schools and colleges).

As individuals ministering to mothers and children in need, those volunteering with the Gabriel Project must:

  • Be Catholics in good standing with up to date ethics training;
  • Be members of the parish in which they will volunteer;
  • Have a strong prayer life;
  • Be familiar with and accepting of Church teaching on marriage, family and contraception.

Safe Environment Training

Your Gabriel Team may be called on to assist a pregnant minor; a mother may also have other minor children in her care. Your volunteers MUST be Safe Environment certified before meeting with or assisting these individuals. Please contact your Parish or Diocesan safe environment coordinator for more information or to register for an online training or certification renewal. See this website for a list of Parish Safe Environment Coordinators.